Hi, my name's Brian Mietz. I'm about 5 feet, 7 inches tall and my last name translates to "Here Kitty Kitty" in German. In all of my 29 years on this planet, New Jersey's always been my home. I used to live above a bar in Westmont, NJ and I now reside in Collingswood, NJ, home of Kelly McGillis . I like to draw people's faces and one day I hope to make my fortune doing just that. I will draw your face for $10. I'm also a graphic designer / manual imprinter customer service representative by trade. I will answer a question about your manual imprinter for $10. I have the best 6th grade class photo of all time and this is how I spent my time during Hurricane Irene . I sing and play guitar in It's a King Thing and I'm currently finishing up an album with my friend Brooke. We call ourselves the Not Fur Longs and we write killer Christmas songs. I'm available to design something cool for your band's shirt or your pickle company's logo. Hit me up! Also, follow me on twitter and I'll tweet you a video of one of my favorite moments in pro wrestling history.